Sept. 30, 2020

017 - Pri-or-i-ti-za-tion

017 - Pri-or-i-ti-za-tion
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T20E World - The 2020 Entrepreneur World Podcast

On this week's episode I talk to you about PRIORITIZATION Prioritize the importance and value what you need to get done!My number one tip for you is to MAKE A LIST on a daily bases. The tasks that are the hardest and need to get done first, are the one...

On this week's episode I talk to you about PRIORITIZATION 

Prioritize the importance and value what you need to get done!

My number one tip for you is to MAKE A LIST on a daily bases. The tasks that are the hardest and need to get done first, are the ones that are on the TOP of your list. Tackle those first and I promise you will feel better, feel a sense of accomplishment and at the end of the day this ALL will equate to PRODUCTIVITY!

BUT remember, balance out your day, make sure you do not overload that calendar AND keep in mind that sometimes we simply just need to learn to say NO to certain tasks.  Especially, if you do not bring value to the task at hand, the meeting or video conference call.  Time is precious and we need to be smart and keep it real!

Finally, never forget, Prioritization makes you EFFECTIVE, more EFFICIENT which equates to being more PRODUCTIVE!!! 

Hope this bit of advise helps and please feel free to share what works best for YOU! Now go ROCK IT!


Thank you for listenening.  Don't forget to sign up to stay current on the latest from T20E World! 

Keep showing the LOVE my friends . . . 

. . .  until next time . . . this is Hugo . . . and I aaaam checking oouuuuuuut!