Dec. 22, 2020

023 - Q&A with young entrepreneur Isaiah Williams!

023 - Q&A with young entrepreneur Isaiah Williams!
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T20E World - The 2020 Entrepreneur World Podcast

To end the year off we have a very first Q&A episode with special guest Isaiah Williams! I randomly selected a listener of our podcast to come and spend the day with me and experience a day in the life of an experienced entrepreneur (Taking all Covid-19...

To end the year off we have a very first Q&A episode with special guest Isaiah Williams! 

I randomly selected a listener of our podcast to come and spend the day with me and experience a day in the life of an experienced entrepreneur (Taking all Covid-19 precautions). Throughout the day, I had Isaiah take note and think of a handful of questions he had for me and then at the end of the day we down in the studio and Isaiah had the chance to ask me anything he wanted to know and what he gained from this experience!! 

In this episode, you will learn a little bit about Isaiah himself and stay tune to the very end to hear some of Isaiah's awesome beats he has created! 

I look forward to having many episodes based off question and answers from our listeners so don't miss out on your chance of being selected! 


Thank you for listenening.  Don't forget to sign up to stay current on the latest from T20E World! 

Keep showing the LOVE my friends . . . 

. . .  until next time . . . this is Hugo . . . and I aaaam checking oouuuuuuut!

Isaiah Williams Profile Photo

Isaiah Williams

Music Writer, Trainer, Inspirational Entrepreneur

Isaiah is a young entrepreneur from New York who is always hustling. Isaiah focuses a lot of his fitness career, motivating and inspiring others each and every day through his social media accounts. He promotes fitness, health, and dedication to all his followers. Not only is Isaiah a young fitness entrepreneur, but he also is extremely talented and works on creating awesome music beats!