Aug. 17, 2021

054 - Finding the GENIUS in YOU

054 - Finding the GENIUS in YOU
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T20E World - The 2020 Entrepreneur World Podcast

Where does finding the genius in YOU all begin?
On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I share with you HOW to find the "GENIUS in YOU". I want you to keep in mind that this is a process of getting to know who you really are. An...

Where does finding the genius in YOU all begin?

On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I share with you HOW to find the "GENIUS in YOU". I want you to keep in mind that this is a process of getting to know who you really are. And no, I do not mean who you want to be … I mean UNDERSTANDING who you really are deep down! 

Throughout this episode I explain how you should evaluate yourself and every personality you have. I want you to be familiar with your FEARS and have a true understanding of what your PASSIONS are. Do you know what you do really well and what you do not do well with? Think about that. 

I hope this episode helps you start to build or develop your dreams and set your goals in life. Careers have been built on people's passions . . .  BUT remember in order to get there you must first find the GENIUS in YOU! And like I always say . . . 


Thank you for listenening.  Don't forget to sign up to stay current on the latest from T20E World! 

Keep showing the LOVE my friends . . . 

. . .  until next time . . . this is Hugo . . . and I aaaam checking oouuuuuuut!