Sept. 1, 2021

056 - Understanding YOUR ANCHORS in YOUR LIFE

056 -  Understanding YOUR ANCHORS in YOUR LIFE
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T20E World - The 2020 Entrepreneur World Podcast

We all need support at times. As we continue to develop both personally and professionally during the course of our lives, we all have those ‘things’ that we can count on.  
What happens when the ‘things’ that we have relied upon for strength, guidance...

We all need support at times. As we continue to develop both personally and professionally during the course of our lives, we all have those ‘things’ that we can count on.    

What happens when the ‘things’ that we have relied upon for strength, guidance, or even just friendship are removed? Potentially destabilizing events can be thrusted upon us suddenly and/or while we sit and helplessly watch the incoming tide.  

In today's podcast, I dive deep into a space where we touch upon every emotion a human possesses.  It's an episode that my friend, Johnny Ruppert and I have talked about doing for some time now.  Only this time, it's about his journey and sharing how he dealt with the balancing of the "floating dock" (representing LIFE). Listen to this personal discussion as Johnny shares how his "Life ANCHORS" that kept the "floating dock" stable, slowly began to snap one chain at a time.  

Our goal with today's episode is to show that along our journey throughout life, we will need the help of others. Always remember, it's okay to reach out and ask. The support of others is what "Anchors" us and keeps us grounded, preventing us from going adrift. Johnny shares with us how he refused to surrender to the storm and made the decision to grow and adapt to form the new anchors that has gotten him through his day to day life.    

I am so grateful for Johnny Ruppert. As a friend of over 25+ years, I wish that I would have known MORE about what he was going through in his personal life, how he was desperately trying to balance the "floating dock" as the "anchors" were coming apart. I remember first hand when he was going through these turbulent times in his life.  I was on the outside looking in, not knowing what was happening inside the mind of my friend.    

I am thankful to him for entrusting my platform and podcast, T20E World to share with us all his personal journey. I hope this episode makes an impact in your life. Not only to know that it is always okay to reach out and ask for assistance during those tough times or turbulent times (as we call it) but also to get professional help when you are feeling all alone and like there is no one you can trust.  It's perfectly okay.  

I ask that you please leave us a review with comments, share this episode or share an experience. We can make this world a much better place, if we learn to continue to respect, accept and support one another. Thank you.

Thank you for listenening.  Don't forget to sign up to stay current on the latest from T20E World! 

Keep showing the LOVE my friends . . . 

. . .  until next time . . . this is Hugo . . . and I aaaam checking oouuuuuuut!