
Oct. 19, 2021

057 - From Corporate Career to Crafting your own Beer with Joe Fisher

On this week's episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I have friend and entrepreneur Joe Fisher with me.  Owner today of Man Skirt Brewing Company in Hackettstown, NJ. Joe shares his journey, as he decides to finally leave Corporate America,...

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Sept. 1, 2021

056 - Understanding YOUR ANCHORS in YOUR LIFE

We all need support at times. As we continue to develop both personally and professionally during the course of our lives, we all have those ‘things’ that we can count on.     What happens when the ‘things’ that we have relied upon for strength, guidance...

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Aug. 24, 2021

055 - Living a More POSITIVE LIFE

Living a POSITIVE life starts with your MINDSET. You must have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE to create a POSITIVE ACTION. In this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur (T20E World) I share with you 10 TIPS on how to live a more positive life!    ELIMINATE the NO...

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Aug. 17, 2021

054 - Finding the GENIUS in YOU

Where does finding the genius in YOU all begin? On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I share with you HOW to find the "GENIUS in YOU". I want you to keep in mind that this is a process of getting to know who you really are. An...

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Aug. 10, 2021

053 - Respect the Struggle, Don’t Struggle for Respect with Steven Cr…

On this week's episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I bring back Steven Cruz to talk to us about how to RESPECT the struggle and how to NOT struggle for respect.  It is so important to not only respect yourself, but others around you too. ...

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Aug. 3, 2021

052 - The American Dream also Needs a Plan with Eldine Agodomou

On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I have with me special guest Eldine Agodomou. Eldine is from Togo West Africa and he is a certified coach, speaker, trainer, and entrepreneur! For Eldine, life was not easy and grew up v...

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July 27, 2021

051 - The Single Most Important Skill for Acing College Admissions an…

On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I am with my special guest Steven Cruz. Steven is the president of Omega Educational Consulting, INC. He is also a facilitator who specializes in educational counseling, program developme...

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July 15, 2021

050 - Recapping the FIRST year of Podcasting with Alyssa Correale

AND THAT’S A WRAP!!!  The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) Podcast has officially ended its first season!! It has officially been one year since this podcast has started, and boy has it been a ride! I wanted to end the season with a special 50th epis...

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July 9, 2021

049 - The Hardest Part of Any Journey is the First Step with Chris Mc…

On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) Chris McCormack is back to share with everyone how the hardest part of any journey is the FIRST STEP. Chris was on episode 43 “Working from Anywhere … in the WORLD” as he shared with us h...

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June 22, 2021

048 - 10 Awareness Tips - Before Taking on a Business Partner

While there are so many great reasons why one should take on a PARTNER for your business, it is so important to also understand and become very aware of what could possibly go wrong if you fail to be CLEAR before entering any PARTNERSHIP. On this week’s ...

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June 15, 2021

047 - Negotiating the WIN-WIN with Johnny Ruppert

On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) special guest Johnny Ruppert and I talk about “Negotiating the WIN-WIN”. In this episode, we dive deep into the negotiating topic when it comes to sales. In order to be an effective negot...

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June 8, 2021

046 - Making Better CHOICES in LIFE

In this week’s episode I share with you how to make better choices in life! There is no doubt that life is full of CHOICES and/or decisions. My goal is to share with you REASONS why we should NEVER regret the choices we have made in our life and learn to make BETTER choices moving forward.

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May 26, 2021

045 - Avoiding "the multitask" OVERLOAD

On this week’s episode, I share with you how to avoid the multitasking overload! On a day to day basis we all deal with having to do multiple things to do at once. But how do we deal with having too many tasks at once? At what point is it just too much? ...

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May 18, 2021

044 - Empowering your LIFE for Peak Performance with Lee Agbohlah

On this week’s episode I bring to you a special guest, Lee Agbohlah! This episode Lee shares with us how to ELEVATE your MINDSET and EMPOWER your LIFE for PEAK PERFORMANCE! Lee is an online fitness coach who helps entrepreneurs like you make a healthier ...

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May 11, 2021

043 - WfX, Work from ANYWHERE . . . in the WORLD with Chris McCormack

On this week’s episode we have our special guest Chris McCormack and he shares with us what it is like to work from ANYWHERE (WFX) in the WORLD and how he does it! Chris is a world traveler, photographer, humanitarian and public speaker! He has been trav...

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May 4, 2021


On this week’s episode it is all about how to become a successful networker! I share with you tips and tricks that have helped throughout my years of networking that I know will help and benefit you! BE SELECTIVE … Make sure you know the crowd beforehand...

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April 27, 2021

041 - Building Routines and Habits for SUCCESS

On this week’s episode I share with you how building good habits and routines can lead to SUCCESS! A routine is a sequence of actions that one regularly follows, something we do repeatedly and consistently.  During this episode I am going to share some o...

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April 20, 2021

040 - 6 Keys to SALES SUCCESS

On this week's episode it is all about sales! I love sales and believe there are 6 important KEYS as to how to be successful in the sales world!  1. PROSPECTING - Being creative is very important and knowing what your  product or service is and who are t...

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April 13, 2021

039 - 5 Reasons to MASTER your ATTITUDE at a Young Age with John Rupp…

How did you wake up feeling today? Do you have a positive or negative attitude? How will this affect your day?   On this week’s episode we have special guest John Ruppert! This is John’s 4th time on our podcast and on this episode we will be discussing 5...

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April 6, 2021

038 - Behind the Scenes of Podfest Global; Setting GUINNESS World Rec…

A global event taken virtually all the way to hitting GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS! On this week’s episode I have with me the founder Chris Krimitsos and project manager Andrew Weiss of Podfest Global! Podfest is an extended annual event that brings together a...

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March 30, 2021

037 - "Don't be Afraid to Fail BIG" Denzel Washington's Commencement …

“Fail BIG. That’s right. Fail BIG. You only live once, so do what you feel passionate about, take chances … professionally don’t be afraid to fail.” - Denzel Washington On this week’s episode I share with you one of my FAVORITE speeches presented by Denz...

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March 23, 2021

036 - Making SIX FIGURES without EVER hitting 1K Followers!

When starting your own business in today’s world, everyone automatically thinks you need to have a huge following on social media in order to make a lot of money and be successful. Well, you are wrong.  On this episode I have special guest Ina Coveney sh...

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March 16, 2021

035 - Surround YOURSELF with SUCCESS

In this episode I share with you why you should surround yourself with success. And no, I am not talking about surrounding yourself with MONEY success. I am talking about surrounding yourself with STRONG, POSITIVE influential people! I believe that when ...

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March 9, 2021

034 - 5 reasons why MARKETING REPS can become successful SALES PEOPLE!

Have you ever thought to yourself what is the difference between marketing and sales? Or maybe you are in the marketing field and wonder if you could succeed in the sales world? Although marketing and sales are two different beasts, in this episode I am ...

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