Judy Torres

Judy Torres Profile Photo

Entrepreneur, Singer/Song-Writer, Radio Personality, and Master Life Coach

Actor, Singer, Radio Personality, TedX Speaker and today a Certified Master Life Coach, Judy Torres! Judy may be known as the "Queen of Freestyle" but she is also an amazing speaker who brings her life experiences to you, to help better understand and navigate through the process during those tough times! Judy also has a podcast called, 'Beautiful Life' which is on all major platforms. You can also find more on Judy's life coaching on her website.

Oct. 27, 2020

020 - Understanding the 7 stages of GRIEF with Judy Torres!

Actor, Singer, Radio Personality and today a Certified Master Life Coach, Judy Torres is here with us today to help you understand the Seven Stages of GRIEF. Judy may be known as the "Queen of Freestyle" but she is also an amazing speaker who brings her...
Guest: Judy Torres
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