Entrepreneurship/Business Episodes

The 2020 Entrepreneur Podcast, ( T20EWorld ) dedicated to talking , inspiring & guiding gen z, millenials and society with over 30 years of my Life Lessons, Business & Entrepreneurial experiences!
This is a time to ReVIEW, ReTHINK and ReINVENT a new YOU!
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Aug. 5, 2020

008 - Respecting TIME

Respecting Time Do you know what it means to respect TIME? Time is so critical, it is all about maximizing your day.  We get ONE shot to make that ONE decision and can never get that time back to make that decision right or wrong. So, how we INVEST our...

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July 29, 2020

007 - Driven by VISION, Lead by MISSION with Joe Nemec!

Another great call in this week with an old friend of mine Joe Nemec!He mentored me through my career and his words have always stuck with me ever since. Driven by Vision, but LEAD by Mission YOU must capture the vision, and develop it into a missio...

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July 24, 2020

006 - Defining EGOS with John Ruppert

Do you know what it means to have an Ego? In business, in sports, or even in everyday life itself.Had a great time getting a chance to sit down with a good friend of mine, John Ruppert! Johnny has been in the game a long time and full of knowledge To...

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July 21, 2020

005 - Business Experiences and Newest Venture with ROHAN MARLEY

Fun episode catching up with my buddy, Rohan Marley!  Learn some facts about Rohan you might not of known . . . What is it like growing up a Marley?Did you know he played Football at the University of Miami?Rohan shares with us all, his first busines...

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July 14, 2020


OPPORTUNITIES. . . is at all about being at the RIGHT PLACE, at the RIGHT TIME and a maybe LITTLE BIT of LUCK or do we CREATE IT.We all know how frustrating it gets when we are doing all the right things and we are just not seeing the results we expecte...

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July 8, 2020

003 - How Does One Define SUCCESS

There are so many ways to define Success, the accomplishment of an aim or purpose . . . such a simple word with such a HUGE definition.Why do I want to share this with you?   Because this Podcast is dedicated to inspire YOU.  The 2020 Entrepreneur World...

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July 2, 2020

002 - So You're Thinking of Starting a New Business

Welcome to a new episode of T20E World Podcast, a time where we all need to ReView, ReThink, and ReInvent ourselves.  So you're thinking of starting a new business?!?!?!  AWESOME! Today I cover six vital points you need to answer before launching your n...

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July 2, 2020


Welcome to a new episode of T20E World Podcast, a time where we all need to ReView, ReThink, and ReInvent ourselves. Today I talk about what motivated me to finally get off my ass and launch this new Podcast.  COVID19 changed how we all go about doing ou...

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